The following section describes the functions of the Table CDC extraction type of Xtract Universal.
The component can be used to extract delta contents from SAP tables. It creates a log table in SAP that record insert, update, and delete activities that apply to a selected SAP table.

Warning! Missing Authorization To use the Table CDC component, access to the designated authority objects (RFC) in SAP must be available. For more information, refer to the knowledge base article SAP User Rights: Table CDC.

Tip: To get information on the basics of Xtract Universal, refer to Getting Started.

About Table CDC #

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a method to keep track of data changes such as insert, update and delete in SAP tables. The Table CDC component creates a log table in SAP that records any changes made to a selected table. The content of the log table is cleared after every successful run of the extraction. Data that was not extracted is not cleared from the log table.

For a detailed overview of this process, refer to the Knowledge Base article Delta Mechanism of TableCDC.

Note: Clusters, pool tables and views are not supported by the Table CDC component.

Requirements #

The SAP transport requests for the function modules are provided in the installation directory: C:\ProgramFiles\[XtractProduct]\ABAP\, see Custom function module for TableCDC.

How to use the Table CDC extraction type #

  1. Create a new extraction by clicking [New] in the main window of the Designer. The window “Create Extraction” opens.

  2. Select an SAP connection from the drop-down menu in Source and enter a unique name for your extraction.
  3. Select the extraction type / component and click [OK] to confirm. The main window of the component opens automatically.

The extraction is now listed in the main window of the Designer. Double click the extraction to open the main window of the component. The majority of the functions of the component can be accessed using the main window.

More information on working with the Table CDC extraction type is provided in the following sections.

Defining a Table CDC Extraction

WHERE Clause

Extraction Settings

General Settings

Active CDC Watches