The TableCDC component requires the installation of the custom function modules /THEO/CDC and THEO/READ_TABLE in your SAP system.
If you cannot install the function modules, turn to your SAP Basis team for help.

Installation of THEO_CDC_ECC or THEO_CDC_S4 #

  • For SAP ECC systems, install the custom function group THEO_CDC_ECC. The transport request for the installation is located in the following installation directory: C:\Program Files\[XtractProduct]\ABAP\TableCDC\

  • For SAP S/4 systems with SAP_BASIS version < 7.55, install the custom function group THEO_CDC_S4. The transport request for the installation is located in the following installation directory: C:\Program Files\[XtractProduct]\ABAP\TableCDC\

  • For SAP S/4 systems with SAP_BASIS version 7.55 or higher, install the custom function group THEO_CDC_S4_755. The transport request for the installation is located in the following installation directory: C:\Program Files\[XtractProduct]\ABAP\TableCDC\

The transport request needs to be imported into SAP by your SAP Basis team.
The function groups /THEO/CDC_ECC and /THEO/CDC_S4 both contain the following function modules:

Function Modules Description
/THEO/CLEAR_LOGTAB Clear entries of log tab up to a given sequence number
/THEO/COUNT_LOGTAB_ENTRIES Count log table entries
/THEO/CREATE_LOG_TABLE Function module for creating log tables
/THEO/CREATE_TRIGGERS Function module for creating DB triggers for CDC
/THEO/DELETE_LOG_TABLE Function module for deleting log tables
/THEO/DELETE_TRIGGERS Function module for deleting DB triggers for CDC
/THEO/GET_DB Get database system identifier

Note: Take a look at the README.pdf in the installation directory (e.g.,C:\Program Files\[XtractProduct]\ABAP\README.pdf) before installing any custom function modules.

Installation of /THEO/READ_TABLE #

Install the custom function module /THEO/READ_TABLE, see Custom function module for Table.

Note: Take a look at the README.pdf in the installation directory (e.g.,C:\Program Files\[XtractProduct]\ABAP\README.pdf) before installing any custom function modules.