The Designer features different functionalities for data extractions.

Tip: Press [F1] to open the online help articles for particular windows.



Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon Reset Preferences Reset connection settings to server Connecting Designer and Server
designer-icon Disconnect Logging off the server -
designer-icon Exit Close the Designer -


Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon New Create a new extraction Defining a Table Extraction
designer-icon Edit Edit an existing extraction -
designer-icon Delete Delete an existing extraction -
designer-icon Clone Clone an existing extraction -
designer-icon Add/Remove Keywords Define keywords of selected extractions General Settings
designer-icon Source Select an existing SAP source system SAP Connection
designer-icon Destination Select a destination Destinations
designer-icon Log Open extraction log Extraction Logging
designer-icon Run Run a selected extraction Running an Extraction
designer-icon Abort Abort a selected extraction -
designer-icon Clear Result Cache Clear extraction cache Cache results
designer-icon Refresh Refresh extraction status -
designer-icon Filter Define filters or keywords Define Keywords


Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon Logs Open server logs Server Logging
designer-icon Settings Open server settings Server Settings
designer-icon Manage Sources Edit connection to source system SAP Connection
designer-icon Manage Destinations Edit or delete destinations Manage Destinations.


Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon Set User Password Set or change user password User Managements
designer-icon Manage Users Manage user groups User Groups


Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon Online Help (EN) Open the English Online Help -
designer-icon Online Help (DE) Open the German Online Help -
designer-icon Submit Support Ticket Open the Ticket Portal Helpdesk
designer-icon Download latest version Link to My Theobald Software My Theobald Software
designer-icon Info Product information Info window
designer-icon Version History List of recent software changes Version History

GUI Buttons #


Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon New Create a new extraction Defining a Table Extraction
designer-icon Edit Edit existing extraction -
designer-icon Delete Delete existing extraction -
designer-icon Clone Clone existing extraction -
designer-icon Refresh Update of the extraction status -
designer-icon Search Filter extraction names List of Extractions
designer-icon Source Select existing SAP source system SAP Connection
designer-icon Destination Select destination Destinations
designer-icon Log Open extraction log Extraction Logging
designer-icon Run Run a selected extraction Running an Extraction

Extraction Groups #


Extractions can be organized in groups, see Organize Extractions. The treeview in the main window of the Designer displays all extraction groups and reflects the folder structure in the following directory: C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal\config\extractions.

Select a group to display the list of extractions that are located in the corresponding directory.

List of Extractions #


List of all extractions in the currently selected extraction group divided by name, type, modification and creation date etc.

Tip: Use the search bar above the list to filter extractions. Wildcards (*) are not supported.
More extensive filter options are available using the designer-icon button in the GUI Buttons section.

Tip: To adjust the settings of multiple extractions at once, select multiple extractions using [CTRL]+[left mouse button].
You can now adjust the [Destination] and [Source] settings in the GUI Buttons for all selected extractions.

Double Clicking: Double-clicking an extraction works as a shortcut to the [Edit] button.
Right-clicking: Right-clicking an extraction in the list opens the following menu:

Icon Menu Item Description Details
designer-icon Edit Edit an existing extraction -
designer-icon Delete Delete an existing extraction -
designer-icon Clone Clone an existing extraction -
designer-icon Add/Remove Keywords Define keywords of selected extractions General Settings
designer-icon Log Open extraction log Extraction Logging
designer-icon Source settings Select an existing SAP source system -
designer-icon Destination settings Select a destination Destinations
designer-icon Run Run a selected extraction Running an Extraction
designer-icon Run in browser Run a selected extraction in the default web browser -
designer-icon Run in xu.exe Run a selected extraction in the command-line tool xu.exe -
designer-icon Abort Abort a selected extraction -

Status Bar #


The status bar contains information about:

  • Number of defined extractions in the selected folder, the overall number of extractions and the number of licensed extractions
  • Login username
  • Server authentication method
  • Designer access rights
  • License type and validity period
  • Connected XU server version
  • Connected XU client version