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The following section gives a general introduction to working with yunIO. The information described in the following section is a prerequisite for all subsequent sections.

Starting yunIO #

To access the yunIO Designer, enter the designer-URL in a web browser.
The URL pattern to access the yunIO Designer is http://[host]:[port]. Example: http://localhost:8077.

  • If the yunIO service runs on a local server, replace [host] with localhost.
  • If the yunIO service does not run on the same machine as the browser, replace [host] with the name or IP address of the host on which the service runs.
  • After the installation the yunIO Designer is accessible under the default port 8077.
    You can configure the port under Settings in the yunIO Designer.

Note: Make sure that the yunIO service is running and that the default port 8077 is not blocked by your firewall.

Adding an SAP Connection #

In the Connection menu you can add new SAP connections and edit or delete existing connections.

  1. To add a new SAP connection, click [Add Connection] (1).
    To edit an existing connection, click the edit icon (Edit) of the connection you want to edit. web-ui
  2. Enter the connection information of your SAP system under System (2).
  3. Enter your SAP credentials under Authentication (3).
  4. To validate the connection parameters, click [Test Connection] (4). A window with a status message opens.
  5. Click [Save] to save the connection settings.

For more detailed information on establishing an SAP connection, see SAP Connection.

Creating a Service #

In the Services menu you can create new web services and edit, run or delete existing web services.

  1. To create a new service, click [Add Service] (1).
  2. Enter a name for the service and choose an existing SAP connection under General (2).
  3. Optional: Add a short description for the service.
  4. Choose an Extraction Type (3). yunIO offers the following options: SAP Tables or Views,Function Modules or Transaction.
  5. Click [Save and edit].
    To set up the service, see SAP Table or View, Function Module / BAPI, Transactions or Report.

To edit the name, description and source of an existing service, click the Edit icon.
To edit the extraction type settings of the service, click the Edit icon.

How to run a Service #

Web services created with yunIO can be integrated into all cloud applications that support REST API/Swagger (OpenAPI), e.g. Power Automate, Nintex, etc.

  • To test a service, trigger the URL of the service endpoint or run the service directly in yunIO (1), see Testing a Service.
  • To integrate a yunIO web service into a tool that supports Swagger/OpenAPI, copy or download the service definition (2), see Integrating a Service.


For more information about running services and passing parameters, see Run Services.