Version Control #

A version control system helps manage the data transfer from test environment to production environment by keeping track of all modifications.
Git or Azure DevOps are version control systems that can be used to ensure:

  • The deployment of new extractions, sources and destinations can not cause fundamental damage to the data load of the productive landscape.
  • User rights and other features allow for changes to be checked and corrected in advance.
  • Quick and easy rollbacks of changes.

For more information on how to set up version control with Xtract Universal, refer to the knowledge base article Deploying Extractions Using Git Version Control.

Configuration Files #

All configuration files of extractions, sources, destinations and the server are stored in the sub-directory config of the Xtract Universal program directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal\config. Use the config directory for setting up a version control system or creating manual backups.

Filename Description
destinations Directory containing the destinations. Each .json file contains a destination of the same name.
extractions Directory containing the extractions. Each sub-directory contains an extraction of the same name.
servers Directory containing the server settings.
sources Directory containing SAP connections. Each sub-directory contains a source of the same name.
version.txt Text file containing the product version of the current configuration. See also New Installation and Update.

Manual Backups #

Recommendation: Make sure to create regular backups of the configuration files to save the work invested in designing and optimizing your data extraction processes.

A backup allows you to easily switch back to the previous product version, if needed. See also section Installation and Update.

How to Create a Backup

  1. Copy the complete config directory (C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal\config by default) of the machine running the Xtract Universal Service and store the files in safe and secure locations.
  2. Optional: copy the complete logs directory (C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal\logs by default) to create a backup of the log files.
  3. To backup your license, create a copy of your XtractUniversalLicense.json file.

Warning! Data security.
Both config and logs directories may contain sensitive information.

How to Restore a Backup

  1. To restore the configuration files, remove the config directory from the program directory (C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal by deafult) of the machine running the Xtract Universal Service.
  2. Copy the backup of the config directory into the program directory.
  3. To restore the license, replace the XtractUniversalLicense.json file within the program directory with the backup.

Warning! Data Loss!
Restoring the backup of the config directory replaces the exisiting configuration. Make sure to remove the existing files before restoring the backups.

Manual Migration to a Different Machine #

Configuration files can be migrated partially or entirely (full migration).
Depending on your scenario it can make sense to conduct a partial migration - e.g., if you transport extractions from a test to a production environment. When replacing a machine completely, conduct a full migration.

Note: When migrating to a new server, a new license file must be issued for that server. Contact our sales team at for more information.


The same Xtract Universal versions must be installed on both machines.
To install the matching version on the different machine, use the XtractUniversalSetup.exe from the program directory (C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal) of the current machine. To check the version of your product, open the Designer and navigate to Help > Info or press [F12].

How to Migrate

  1. Create a backup of the config directory of the current machine. The default directory of the config folder is C:\Program Files\XtractUniversal\config.
  2. Decide whether you need a partial or a full migration.
    For a full migration restore the entire config directory on the different machine.
    For a partial migration restore parts of the backup, by copying subfolders from the config directory, e.g., only destination or extraction directories. When copying single config folders, the version.txt file must be copied, too. The version.txtis located in the config folder.
  3. Restart the Xtract Universal Service, when performing a full migration or copying the server directory onto the different machine.

Note: As of Xtract Universal version 5.0 SAP passwords are encrypted with a key that is derived from the Windows account that runs the XU service. The passwords can only be accessed from the same service account, when restoring a backup or moving the files to a different machine. If the service account changes, passwords need to be re-entered manually.