About licensing concept of Xtract for Alteryx #

The following licensing options are availabe for Xtract for Alteryx:

  • Desktop license - for using with the Ateryx Designer
  • Server license - for deployment on the Alteryx server

A demo license is automatically installed with the installation of Xtract for Alteryx.
A regular license is provided, after purchasing the product.

Installing the Xtract for Alteryx license - XtractForAlteryxLicense.json #

Xtract for Alteryx license files are delivered as json text files. To update or replace a demo license with a regular license, replace the “XtractForAlteryxLicense.json” in the application directory.
Default directory is C:\Program Files\XtractForAlteryx. XfA license file

Tip: To inspect your current license data, click <About within the configuration window of any Xtract for Alteryx component.

License information

The About tab of the info window contains useful links to the customer portal, knowledge base, Online Help and the support.

Maintenance #

Contact the sales department for information about available maintenance options.
In case of technical difficulties, contact the support team: https://support.theobald-software.com.