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Welcome to the Online Help for ERPConnect.

ERPConncect is a .NET library for developing SAP interfaces in all .NET-capable environments. The design and implementation of the interfaces is very comfortable, because there is a separate API available for each type of SAP object.


Features #

ERPConnect offers multiple extraction types to cover a wide range of demands of SAP data extraction.

Furthermore ERPConnect can generate and execute ABAP code on-the-fly and control transactions via batch input.

Add-Ons and Tools #

LINQ to SAP is an exclusive add-on for ERPConnect that integrates Microsoft’s Language Integrated Query (LINQ) to provide native data querying capabilities. For more information on LINQ to SAP, see LINQ to SAP.

The installation package of ERPConnect also includes the following tools:

More information on the functions of ERPConnect is provided in the following sections:

Introduction to ERPConnect

SAP Connection

BAPIs/Function Modules



SAP Query

Special Classes

RFC Server


