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The TransactionRecorder records SAP transactions and generates C# or VB code for the transactions.

How to Use Transaction-Recorder #

  1. To start the TransactionRecorder, run the TransactionRecorder.exe in the ERPConnect directory C:\Program Files\ERPConnect.
  2. Enter the transaction code you want to record in the text field Transaction Code for recording.
  3. Choose C# or VB as your target language for the generated code.
  4. Click [Generate Now] to acccess your SAP system.
  5. The window “SAP Login” opens. Enter your SAP credentials and click [OK].
  6. If prompted, allow acces to SAP. Your SAP GUI opens and executes the transaction code.
  7. Finish your transaction in SAP.
    Once the transaction is finished, the code is generated and displayed in the Transaction-Recorder.
  8. Use [Ctrl+C] and [Ctrl+V] to copy the code to your program via the clipboard.