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The following section shows the development process for an ASP.NET/ERPConnect project.

Prerequisites #

  • Add the ERPConnect.dll class library as a reference to the project (the .dll is copied to the bin directory when compiling the project).
  • Add the librfc32.dll to your bin directory, see Requirements - 32/64-Bit Environment.

Warning! The standard demo license does not support working in web environments. To test ERPConnect with your ASP.NET project, apply for a test license number at sales@theobald-software.com.


The following sample shows how to create a purchase order using the BAPI_PO_CREATE. The sample uses an ASP page to enter data for a purchase order, see screenshot below.


Vendor: 0000001070
Material: B-7000
Plant: 1000
Quantity: 10

How to Create a Purchase Order

To create a purchase order using the BAPI_PO_CREATE BAPI, follow the steps below:

  1. Establish a connection to the SAP system
  2. Create an RFC-Function object for the BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE.
  3. Fill the structure PO_HEADER with the following values:
    • DOC_TYPE -> Order type (NB normal order)
    • PURCH_ORG -> Purchasing organization
    • PUR_GROUP -> Purchasing group
    • DOC_DATE -> Date
    • VENDOR -> Vendor number
  4. Define the items PLANT and PUR_MAT (material number) in the table PO_ITEMS.
  5. The values for the quantity (QUANTITY) and the delivery date (DELIV_DATE) must be placed in the table PO_ITEM_SHEDULES.
  6. Execute the BAPI and process the return messages.
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   // Set your ERPConnect license

	using var connection = new R3Connection(
		host: "server.acme.org",
		systemNumber: 00,
		userName: "user",
		password: "passwd",
		language: "EN",
		client: "001")
		Protocol = ClientProtocol.NWRFC,

   // Create a RFC-Function object
   RFCFunction func = connection.CreateFunction("BAPI_PO_CREATE");
   // Fill header structure
   RFCStructure Header = func.Exports["PO_HEADER"].ToStructure();
   Header["DOC_TYPE"]= "NB";
   Header["PURCH_ORG"] = "1000";
   Header["PUR_GROUP"] = "010";
   Header["DOC_DATE"]= ERPConnect.ConversionUtils.NetDate2SAPDate(DateTime.Now);
   Header["VENDOR"]= this.txtVendor.Text
   // Create an Item
   RFCTable items = func.Tables["PO_ITEMS"];
   RFCStructure item = items.AddRow();
   item["PO_ITEM"] = "1";
   item["PUR_MAT"] = this.txtMaterial.Text;
   item["PLANT"] = this.txtPlant.Text;
   // Create and fill shedules
   RFCTable shedules = func.Tables["PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES"];
   RFCStructure shedule = shedules.AddRow();
   shedule["PO_ITEM"] = "1";
   shedule["DELIV_DATE"] = ERPConnect.ConversionUtils.NetDate2SAPDate(DateTime.Now);
   shedule["QUANTITY"] = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtQuan.Text);
   // Exceute BAPI and process return messages
   this.txtReturn.Text = "";
   this.txtReturn.Text += func.Tables["RETURN"].Rows[0, "MESSAGE"] + "\r\n";


Message: Standard PO created under the number 4500018292
