In diesem Beispiel finden Sie die Vorlage für einen Webpart, mit dem Sie eine Bestellung in SAP anlegen können.



using (ERPConnectServiceClient client = new ERPConnectServiceClient())
    // Create a RFC-Function object
    ERPFunction func = client.CreateFunction("BAPI_PO_CREATE");

    // Fill header structure
    ERPStructure Header = func.Exports["PO_HEADER"].ToStructure();
    Header["DOC_TYPE"] = "NB";
    Header["PURCH_ORG"] = "1000";
    Header["PUR_GROUP"] = "010";
    // check for date & time format strings
    Header["DOC_DATE"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
    Header["VENDOR"] = tb_Vendor.Text;

    // Create an Item
    ERPTable items = func.Tables["PO_ITEMS"];
    ERPStructure item = items.AddRow();
    item["PO_ITEM"] = "1";
    item["PUR_MAT"] = tb_Material.Text;
    item["PLANT"] = tb_Plant.Text;

    // Create and fill shedules
    ERPTable shedules = func.Tables["PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES"];
    ERPStructure shedule = shedules.AddRow();
    shedule["PO_ITEM"] = "1";
    shedule["DELIV_DATE"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
    shedule["QUANTITY"] = Convert.ToDecimal(tb_Quantity.Text);

    // Exceute Bapi and process return messages
    lbl_Message.Text = "";
    lbl_Message.Text += func.Tables["RETURN"].Rows[0, "MESSAGE"] + "\r\n";