The JavaScript library also supports calling SAP function modules and BAPIs in Nintex Forms.

In this example, a customer name is entered in an input field and the possible hits are displayed in a dropdown-list. If a customer master record is selected in the dopdown-list, the customer number is displayed in a separate field. The request to the SAP system to retrieve the customer data is made by calling a function module (SD_RFC_CUSTOMER_GET).

Step 1: Define text fields

In the Nintex form we need three fields:

  1. The first field Customer Name of type Single Line Textbox is the input field and contains the customer name.
  2. In the second field Select Customer of type Choice, the possible hits for the entered customer name are displayed in a drop-down list and can be selected.
  3. The third field Customer Number of type Single Line Textbox displays the customer number.

Proceed as shown in the previous example Load data in dropdown-lists. Set field_output_id as Client ID JavaScript variable name for field Customer Number.

Step 2: Insert JavaScript code

Add a reference to our JavaScript library under Form Settings -> Advanced -> Custom JavaScript Includes:

Insert the JavaScript code under Form Settings -> Advanced -> Custom JavaScript.

The function tEcs.executeFunction is called in the code to read the customer information with the SAP function module SD_RFC_CUSTOMER_GET. The input parameter is the field NAME1, the return is processed using the table CUSTOMER_T:

NWF$(document).ready(function () {
    theobald.ready(function () {
        var self = this,
            $ = NWF$,
            /* material number input and dropbox */
            tsInput = $('#' + field_input),
            /* in combobox properties set custom text e.g. "Start typing in the field above..." */
            tsSelect = $('#' + field_select),
            /* id output */
            tsInputId = $('#' + field_output_id),
            /* description output */
            /* tsInputDescription = $('#' + field_output), */

            customServiceApplication = '',

            /* literals */
            stringsEN = {
                loading: 'Loading...',
                matches: ' matches',
                noMatchText: 'No direct match!',
                noMatches: 'No matches',
                errComm: 'Communication error, please see console',
                select: 'Please select',
                type: 'Start typing in the input above'
            stringsDE = {
                loading: 'Wird geladen...',
                matches: ' Treffer',
                noMatchText: 'Keine direkte Entsprechung!',
                noMatches: 'Keine Treffer',
                errComm: 'Netzwerk Fehler (bitte Konsole öffnen)',
                select: 'Bitte auswählen',
                type: 'Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein'
            /* SELECT LANGUAGE */
            strings = stringsEN,

            domOptionString1parameter = '{0}',
            domOptionString = '{0} ({1})',

            /* DEFINE whether search queries should be send in UPPERCASE (if SAP has a field for case insensitive searches) */
            minChars = 3,
            maskSearchPostfix = "*",
            useUppercaseValuesForQueries = true,
            removeLeadingZerosFromNumbers = false,

            /* supporing query functions */
            runningQueryPromise = null,
            /* so racing done-handler won't release the wrong promise */
            runningQueryId = null,
            connection = {
                ecs: {
                    serviceApplication: customServiceApplication
            resultProcessFunction = function (queryId, functionData) {
                if (queryId !== runningQueryId) {
                    /* omitting because of a newer query */
                    return void(0);

                var newOptionAfterInput = firstOption.clone();
                newOptionAfterInput.prop('selected', 'selected');

                var data = functionData.tables.CUSTOMER_T.rows;

                if (data.length > 0) {
                    newOptionAfterInput.text(tEcs.format(domOptionString,, data.length + strings.matches));

                    $.each(data, function (i, v) {
                        var $option = firstOption.clone();

                        var idFieldValue = v.KUNNR;

                        $option.text(tEcs.format(domOptionString, idFieldValue, v.NAME1));

                        $option.attr('tsid', v.KUNNR);
                        $option.attr('tsdescription', v.NAME1);
                } else {

                tsSelect[0].selectedIndex = 0;

                if (runningQueryId === queryId) {
                    runningQueryPromise = null;
            getResultProcessWrapFunction = function (queryId) {
                return function (functionData) {
                    resultProcessFunction(queryId, functionData);

        /* Main call */
        queryFunction = function (val) {
            var runningQueryIdLocal = theobald.util.guid();
            runningQueryId = runningQueryIdLocal;

            if (runningQueryPromise) {
                /* done won't execute, races possible */
                runningQueryPromise = null;

            var effectiveValue = useUppercaseValuesForQueries ? val.toUpperCase() : val,
                tEcsOptions = {
                    data: {
                        exports: {
                            NAME1: effectiveValue + maskSearchPostfix
                    name: "sd_rfc_customer_get",
                    done: getResultProcessWrapFunction(runningQueryIdLocal)
                    /* , fail: queryFailFunction */

            if (customServiceApplication) {
                tEcsOptions.connection = connection;

            runningQueryPromise = tEcs.executeFunction(tEcsOptions);
            return runningQueryPromise;

        var firstOption = tsSelect.find("option:nth-child(1)").clone();
        tsSelect[0].selectedIndex = -1;

        /* user types into input, each character triggers search (SAP query) */
        tsInput.on('input', function () {
            var val = tsInput.val();
            if (val.length < minChars) {
                return void(0);

            var newOption = firstOption.clone();
            newOption.prop('selected', 'selected');


        /* when user selects an option */
        tsSelect.on('change', function () {
            var selectedOption = tsSelect.find('option:selected');
            /* tsInputDescription.val(selectedOption.attr('tsdescription')); */

Step 3: Execute the Nintex form

Execute the form and enter a customer name. The hits for the entry are read from SAP and displayed in the dropdown list (Select Customer).
If you select a customer from the list, the customer number is displayed in the Customer Number field.